It's been raining here all day long ! It has been one of those days that just has to be declared as a Pj day. A day to stay inside and catch up on all those projects you've been wanting to do. It's one of those days to stay in and watch movies . To stay in and clean house, do laundry and get caught up so when the sun is back out and shinning bright you'll be ready to go out and soak it up.
Today started off just like all of our mornings. My husband's alarm clock went off at 5:45 am, only to be set to snooze twice before he finally got in the shower at 6am. I rolled back over and do not remember anything else until he kissed me goodbye at 6:30am. I didn't want to get up but knew that i had too. The kids needed to be woke up for their school day.
I padded down the hallway to the dark kitchen to make coffee. As the coffee aroma was feeling the air , I was beginning to wake up a bit. I went to the boys room first and woke them up. The middle son was staying home today because he wasn't feeling well at all. I let him roll back over after feeling his head for fever and tucked him back in. His brothers got showered and dressed and let sicko be . Usually the brothers do not let one lay quietly in bed on a school day. They usually protest it isn't fair that one of them is staying home sick, etc. I moved on to the girls room and sing songedly woke them up with my version of "Good Morning Sleepy head". Which they have a love/hate relationship with. i always giggle to myself that I get the pleasure of torturing them out of bed in the morning. I hated when my mom did this to me on school mornings but also loved it. Now I secertly know why mom was so darn happy in the mornings when she was getting us up and on our way to school. Yep, now because I am that mom, I know the secert and someday my own daughters will know it too ! The secert is that once the children are all shuffled out the door and on their way to school, us moms savor our cup of hot coffee, read a page or two of our newspaper, scan the sale ad for the grocery store, throw in some laundry, do our quick pilates workout / or yoga and get to shower in a peaceful quiet bathroom where NO ONE will be coming in to ask us any questions ! We savor this morning time.
So back to our rainy weather. With the rain it brings thoughts of my favorite things ! I'd like to just list them here.
- my red velvet slippers
- my favorite starbucks coffee cup- pictured above, but not my picture. *Borrowed off line*
- my cashmere scarf that i saved up to buy myself
- my knitting
- my camera
- my book - whatever it is I'm reading at the moment, but your likely not to catch me without a book
- my victoria secerts satin pj's
- my favorite bigelow lipglass with a splash of peppermint from bath and body works.
- and I can not forget my laptop
these are all the things that I use and appreciate every day or night ! I enjoy them all and cherish them , especially what they bring to my life, to my soul.
Today was raining all day , like I have already mentioned. I stayed in the house all day after I quickly left and did my errands but was back home by 10:30am. I proceeded to sip my coffee , enjoy online time, worked on my two wool messenger bags that I am working on, worked more on my knit project of the Pocket book slippers, which btw are turning out lovely. I planned to do some reading but didn't get to it. I did some laundry, folded it , put it away , cleaned the bathrooms . I got caught up and ready for the weekend, I'm hoping that the sun will come out tomorrow so we can spend some time outside. Have a great weekend .
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