I decided to begin a new blog to write about my life, interests,and family in general. I am a 38 year old female who has married the love of her life ! We live in California. Between us we have 6 kids , 5 of them still at home. I have 3 and he has 3, making us the
brady Bunch" for real. Three boys, three girls ! However somehow life with 6 children has never been like episodes you see on the 1970's TV show . However there are many sweet moments mixed in with the slightly sour, and I wouldn't trade my life for any other. I turely am a happy and content woman, wife,and mother !
Although don't get me wrong, some days there is a price that I would sale it all for just to set sail on a yachet to Key West in a pair of kahki shorts, flip flops,a cute slinky tank and of course my favorite sunglasses ! I woud have many things to bring along, my sweet yorkie pixie who is such a good girl and best friend, my stashes of whatever project I'm currently working on, my pile of books that I'm currently reading (however after feb. I will finally be getting my most treasured material item of my lifetime and that is the Kindle , check it out here www.amazon.com/kindle , it is an amazing ebook that I can have all the books I'm currently reading downloaded to a device that weights 10 oz ! I can't wait !!! Of course my little cosmetic bag of the simple key items for my face and body. There would have to be light liquid foundation to powder cream, lip gloss,peppermint body lotion, and mascara. I believe I'd be a very happy happy girl for a weekend and then would sail right back home to the wonderful chaos that makes my family how terrific it is.
Within this blog I'll just record the nuttiness, sweetness, craziness, fantasticness, and joyfulness of all the times that make me laugh, cry,smile,frown, and make me the woman, wife and mom that I am ! I welcome you to my life and my daily musings of what I'm up too !
I am so glad you decided to start a blog about the fam!!!!