We have had that old saying happening lately "When it rains, it pours". It's been raining cats and dogs so to speak. I always take all the kids to their eye apt. right before they go back to school. I do it at this time so I don't forget. It's eye apts, and dentist apt and then hair cuts. All in that order too ! LOL.
So we go to the eye apts and everyone gets a clear bill of perfect eye's until we get to the middle son. AJ. Now he already has to wear eye glasses for when he does reading, computers, and TV. Close up things. So he got to pick out a new pair of glasses and then the Dr. proceeds to tell us that he didn't clear the tests and he would like to have him redo the test. So a week later we go in to have that tests redone plus we have to do a couple extra. AJ has been complaining that when we turns his eyes to look sideways he has pain. This began happening in Mid July. We quickly began the process of getting him into his eye Dr. Anyway, we completed everything with our regular eye Dr. and he felt that AJ needed to be seen by a optometry specialist.
We had our apt yesterday with the eye Dr. for the second opinion. There son had his eyes dilated and they reviewed the optic nerve to see if they could tell what is causing the pressure and pain. They weren't able too. I'm not sure if the Dr clearly knows what his happening or if he really has no idea which is kind of what he left me feeling like.
The Dr. asked us to come back in for a third testing on Monday which I said we'd do . Then he said if the test don't come back clear as he wants we will be scheduled for an MRI on Wed.
The two things he told me that could be wrong is an eye disease that is usually evident with older people, he said that AJ is much too young to have that and he hasn't heard of someone his age ever having it. I was so upset that I didn't think to ask the Dr to write it down. So I have no idea what it is called. I think it started with a G. Otherwise no idea. The second thing he said was that son could have a tumor in his optic nerve. When the Dr said this I was speechless. I asked Zero questions. I'm scared, this is exactly what my gut has told me what the problem has been the whole time. Ever since our regular eye Dr said that their is something causing pressure on the optic nerve. I immediately felt it was a tumor. I pray it isn't. I can't imagine what this will entail. I have no idea. If you pray please say a prayer for AJ. He has taken all this in stride. He doesn't have any idea really what is happening. He hasn't asked any questions about what a tumor is. Although while I was talking to his father about the apt. I said something and then AJ asked, Oh so that means I won't have to have a surgery.
So I guess he has thought about it and put it together that a tumor would equal surgery. However he doesn't know the extent of that or what it could mean. Thank goodness kids are so innocent and protected by that. He wont' have the worry that I'm feeling right now. We will know more on Monday after further testing.
* Picture above is of AJ and a little baby puppy that our Yorkie gave birth too. That puppy was so little I had forgot how small they were.*
UPDATE ON THUMB: He did break his thumb. It broke across the growth plate. He has to keep it in the splint for 3 more weeks. No PE until NOV.2 and NO football this season. He is out of football until next year. Football is so darn dangerous.
Hi Tami, stopping by from SITS today. I am so sorry to hear about the trouble your son AJ is having with his eyes. I will definitely be praying for him and will be stopping back for updates. Just so you know...God DOES answer prayer and still performs healings and miracles today. It is my prayer that whatever is causing the trouble with AJ's eyes will just be wiped out by God's powerful hand.
ReplyDeleteGod bless!
I will say some extra prayers for him. *hugs*
ReplyDeleteWas it "glaucoma" the doctor was talking about?
no Glaucoma wasn't mentioned. I would have remembered that one since it's commonly talked about. This was something I've never heard of. Today we have a apt. so I will find out if I don't get to frazzled . Thanks hon. How is your pregnancy doing?