We decide to throw our daughter's a birthday Slumber party for the both of them. One is turning 12, and the other one 10. They were thrilled. We had plans for a trip to the American girl store in Los Angles, Ca and it is going to happen mid month. Even though we have this planned the girls still wanted to celebrate their birthday's with their little girl friends. So I decided we'd have the slumber party on a friday night. Each of them invited friends over. I ran to the party store and stocked up on party goods. We decided on the theme of "Hollywood" . So after deciding what the party theme was we decided on what foods the girls wanted for the party and what kind of cake to have.
Here are some of the party goods. Everyone received a party hat, a pair of glasses with the big nose and mustache ! Of course we had popcorn, soda, snacks, lots of candy, brownie's ! Oh yeah we had a wonderful pinta filled with candy, in the picture above you can see it. It's the director's clip board ! So cute huh?
Here my daughters and their friend who arrived early to the party helped decorate and even helped roll out the RED CARPET for all the hollywood guests ! Of course little man wanted in on the fun too!
Oh yeah ! Here is one of the party girls making sure she has the RED CARPET just right ! Nice and tight and tacked down so no one trips on it.
We also enjoyed face painting. My sister inlaw does face painting for parties ! So we asked if she would come over and do face painting for my daughters and their friends. After the pinta' fun, watching "GREASE" on tv eating lots of junk food, playing soccer outside, playing "mummy" game , something done in the dark, the girls were tired. They still kept going and going and going. They all fell asleep somewhere around 2am. Due to the fact of it being a personal decision of putting pictures of your children on the internet, I choose pictures that would not identify any of the children accept those that were my own children. There due to this it limits the pictures I'm listing for this post ! 

Oh yeah ! Here is one of the party girls making sure she has the RED CARPET just right ! Nice and tight and tacked down so no one trips on it.

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