Me too ! That's why when I came across this blog..."The Pioneer woman" ! Honestly, It is the best Iced Coffee that I've had ! It also is not hard at all to make the coffee concentrate ! So with a simple recipe and such a yummy result who would not want to make this? Well I guess if you are not a coffee drinker than, I can see you not wanting to make the recipe. Otherwise those of you who love your coffee and do not enjoy hot cups of Java on warm sticky summer mornings that are the beginning to very HOT *Over 100*days*
You coffee lovers will want to go straight into your kitchen and begin to gather up all ingredients to make this yummy iced coffee beverage Like I mentioned already this is not my recipe but I love it so much that I had to share it with all of you out there. I am not up to speed on blog etiquette per say so I'm going to just go with what I feel would be respectful. I do not feel I can email the "Pioneer Woman" for permission to copy & Paste her recipe and directions ,and get back a real quick timely response so I am not going to go that route.Instead I decided that I will give you my directions on exactly how I made my coffee following her recipe but in my own words, and then adding in her link to her website so you can go there and print it out and read it there. As well as many more wonderful recipes ! Her site is amazing and I just love going there for a visit. After all who doesn't love the country? Her photos of her daily life and her family are wonderful. It's like taking a mini vacation to the country ! Go, take a look *Here is the concentrate
Okay you went ! Printed out the directions for your iced coffee ! Yummy, you will love it and be absolutely thrilled. What I love about this recipe , is that not is it only's a coffee concentrate you can make on the weekend and have ready for the up coming two weeks for making quick iced coffee beverages on your way to work or to play ! Now here is how I made my iced coffee beverage concentrate.
- To prepare concentrate follow these steps:
- Take 1 lb of ground coffee and pour it into a large container that has a lid. Then pour in the water to the coffee grounds, 8 quarts of water.
- Let this coffee,water mix set in the covered container for 8 hours. * I have left it accidentally longer and it was okay. So don't worry if you forgot it and let it set longer than the 8 recommended hours.
After 8 hours. Prepare a colander with tightly woven cheese cloth or other type of thin material. Note: I do not have cheese cloth experience so I am not sure if it comes in grades. Such as loosely woven to tightly woven- I imagine it must depending on what you are doing with it and what types of ingredients you are trying to separate. I did not have success with using cheese cloth. I was not able to separate the coffee concentrate from the grounds. I had grounds go through the cheese cloth. So I decided to try thin material the next time I made the recipe. I have successfully used a clean tee shirt that I cut a back square out of, and then I also used a clean pillow case that I also was able to cut into two pieces. After using, I threw away the coffee grounds into the trash, and then washed the material alone in the washing machine, so I could reuse it the next time I make the coffee concentrate.
Now with concentrate made, you can pour it into a pitcher that has a lid and place it into the fridge . Now because I have teens that get into the fridge to help themselves I thought I needed to label the concentrate so that it wasn't mistaken for something else.
To make an iced coffee beverage:*Picture above is borrowed from a restaurant site where they serve their iced coffee in these tall glasses. It appears to be like wine carafe's. I love the way it appears in this type of tall glass.
- pour a cup of coffee concentrate into a large mason jar (or large glass) filled to the top with ice. *Use less coffee if this is a late afternoon/evening coffee . Learned this the hard way.
- Add in a bit of your favorite coffee creamer
- Add in milk to the top
- Now stir beverage to mix all together
- Add Light whipped creme from the sprayer can
- Add Hershey Chocolate drizzle.

It's ready to enjoy ! Make an extra and invite a friend over for a coffee & a chat, or take an extra one with you to give to a friend that your meeting up with. Your friend will love you big time !
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