Here at last is the Table runner that I found. I paid .25 cents for it. I also bought brand new kitchen valances for my kitchen nook and kitchen window over the sink. I paid 1.00 for all 4 of them, they are in the washing machine but I'll get pictures of them later to show. I also bought little man two outfits, one pair of old navy shorts with a t-shirt, a pair of jeans and a long sleeve tshirt for school (almost brand new) and a brand new spiderman bathing suit ! I was excited for those finds. I also purchased two new sweaters for myself that are the short sleeve with three buttons on top then open below cardigan's, one in a light green and one in classic black. The black one still had the tag on it from the store, never wore ! A brown skirt, a mauve tank top, and two other great tee shirts ! I didn't find the girls anything at all, probably because i was looking for them clothes particularly ! Anyway it was a super fantastic day of great treasure hunting ! I couldn't believe I bought all of this for under $20.00 - of course minus those wetsuits ! I consider those worth the money though and My husband totally agreed with me and was so pleased with my purchase of them ! Tomorrow I'm driving to meet my mom and we're going to shop all the thrift/second hand stores in her area. My point is with this post is that I am thoroughly excited more and more each day about becoming a frugal Mama. I am cutting coupons, cooking our meals at home, doing all of our baking of cookies, and breads. I'm going shopping at second hand/thrift shops and buying things that we want or need slightly used or best of all sometimes BRAND new !
Today I got up early and hit the Garage sales within our little area and then the next bigger town over. I probably went to 25 sales and found so many great treasures, wonderful books, some great clothes for our little man, new kitchen items, 4 great blow up twin mattress for camping (which we love), and 3 slightly used wetsuits for scuba diving/snorkeling in the ocean (which is another fantastic hobby my husband and our kids love.) We have been wanting to purchase the kids their own wetsuits but they are outrageously expensive. Today I found two full length suits and one knee length suit for $10.00 each- total of $30.00. I saved almost anywhere from $300.00 on up! We would never have been able to purchase them brand new and when I looked at "Play it again sports" (second hand sporting goods store) they were marked $75.00 each. So again expensive. I was thrilled beyond belief to purchase all 3 of them for $30.00 !!! Big deal !!!! I was so happy about this and I know my kids will be too, especially next time we head to the ocean.
Hurray for great finds! I especially love the 25 cent purse, how cute!! Thanks for the comment :) I think my daughter is pretty cute myself ;) :D Happy blogging!