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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

This is the 2nd photo challenge in the 30 day challenge. I am not doing every good at adding a picture & blog a day on this challenge but I will complete it , just not in the 30 days it suggested to do it in. I'd have to say that the person I have been the closest to for the longest would naturally be my mom. Here is my mom in a picture with my daughter a few years back.

My mom is the most amazing mom ever ! Now I can say she is and always will be my best friend. She is always their for me no matter what. The most amazing thing about my mom, is that she is the type of person who is always helping and doing things for others in her life. Any way that she can help, she does. Always a true friend to everyone. She always wears her heart on her sleeve and See's the good in everyone. I am so blessed that God sent me to my mom. She is and always will be my Sweet inspiration and Guide in life.
*While quickly looking for a picture of my mom and I together, I couldn't find one. There are few. That is because it is usually her or I taking the photos of family. * Note to self: Mom and I need to have some professional pictures taken this year !

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