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Sunday, June 12, 2011

My sewing corner

I don't have a sewing room. Not yet anyway ....I'm waiting to kick out the boys and then I'll have one ! Unless hubby decides , not an option ! Ha ha. So back to my future sewing room. I believe that in maybe, 5 -6 years when the middle son has graduated and moved out to college I will then have that room for my crafts ! That will be an exciting day ! I know I'll quickly get to work decorating. Of course I have visions in my head of what it will look like !

So many choices , and ideas for the future room to be . Of course My sewing room will not be all white. It will be very colorful. With lots of Cherry Red paint. Walls of course will be a sunny Yellow ! Furniture white maybe...not sure. But One day I will have wall to wall cabinets with counter space to spread out on. Of course the skies the limit ! Well actually hubby's cash amount in the wallet is the limit !
So for right now. I'm going to begin my organizing and making my little corner sewing area a beautiful space. I will begin  this by reupholstering the antique chair that I use to sit and sew. I have picked out a beautiful fabic that matches the wood of the chair very well. Since the chair is an antique that was my husbands grandmother's mom's chair that goes with the matching Little Desk we were given. I do not want to paint it. So I'm going to just recover the seat , even leaving the original fabric on the seat underneath the new cushion pad and fabric. I will come back to this redecorating of my sewing area as things progress ! Have a happy day everyone ! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you make something today that makes you happy !

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